Excalibur - The Legend of King Arthur Challenge
Front Beauty Render

Front Beauty Render

Full Sword+Environment Beauty Render

Full Sword+Environment Beauty Render

Overall Front Beauty Render

Overall Front Beauty Render

Close up Perspective Beauty Render

Close up Perspective Beauty Render

Front Top Down Beauty Render

Front Top Down Beauty Render

Front Beauty Render

Front Beauty Render

ZBrush screenshot

ZBrush screenshot

Substance Painter Iray Render

Substance Painter Iray Render

Substance Painter Iray Render

Substance Painter Iray Render

Sword+Scene Clay

Sword+Scene Clay

Wireframe side/overall/closeup

Wireframe side/overall/closeup

WIP Sheet

WIP Sheet

WIP Sheet

WIP Sheet

Primary Sword Texture Set

Primary Sword Texture Set

Original Concept Art

Original Concept Art

Excalibur - The Legend of King Arthur Challenge

My Excalibur project for the Legend of King Arthur Challenge.

Concept by Carson Lei

I put the most amount of revision into this prop during the challenge due to concerns I had matching the environment and sword texel density. The original environment I had couldn't possibly have similar density to the sword within the challenge parameters. To get around this issue I reworked the basalt columns, and elimated all but one. This allowed me to use duplicates of the column throughout scene with the same UV coordinates. After revision of this Excalibur scene I was able to not only match texel density across the entire scene, but increase it 20%.
The majority of the texture work is sculptural in ZBrush. The sword ended up having just about 30 million polys in its highest level. I think this extra time spent on the model was what has made the realism successful.

More artwork