Cello - Model Update 4

Work In Progress / 05 September 2019

I finished up the base meshes in Maya and cut the UV maps. I've now started fine tuning the forms and sculpting in ZBrush.

So far, the two parts that I've worked on have around 15 million polys in each subtool. I've never had more that 30 million in a single project file. If polys become problematic I'm planning to separate out the finalized subtools based on UDIMs, which will also help in exporting vector displacement maps.

I'm also considering that maybe sculpting this amount of detail could create unwanted overlapping when I start using wood materials in Substance. I think I can avoid this issue. Planning to do a quick test soon using the scroll mesh before I go further with this amount of detail.

Base mesh - views + wires:

UV sets:

Reference board: